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Well Drilling School

Improving access to clean water and empowering young entrepreneurs.

In many regions of Sierra Leone, there is no safe and clean drinking water supply. With the help of this project, young Sierra Leoneans are being trained as independent well builders who are able to make a living and at the same time improve the country's water infrastructure.

Brunnenbauerschule: Den Zugang zu sauberem Wasser verbessern und junges Unternehmertum stärken

Learning from role models

The project of the Well Drilling School was carried out by the association E.M.A.S.-International e. V., which has already successfully implemented this concept in Bolivia. In Sierra Leone it is carried out in cooperation with Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e. V.


Here you can find the latest quarterly report of the Well Drilling School in English:

Quarterly report of the Well Drilling School



Successful training with multiplier effect

The project envisages training young Sierra Leonis to build small wells. These wells are usually built on behalf of individual private households and provide many people with clean drinking water at affordable prices. The households paying for the wells are also responsible for their maintenance. Through training the young well builders can create an additional source of income or even an independent livelihood. In addition to training as a well builder, the trainees also learn commercial basics: accounting, marketing, administration and sales. And they receive basic training in entrepreneurial independence. By mid-2019, a total of 250 technicians had been trained in the training center and a total of 1,000 wells had been drilled in Sierra Leone. This ensures a sustainable improvement in the living conditions of young trainees with a multiplier effect.

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